Title: M’s adventures
Design: 2d Platformer
Date: 13.04.24
1) Learn how to use Godot game engine
2) Learn game development skills through real process of making a game
3) Get information about how to promote a game on game distribution services.

Game description:
10 levels’ game where a character goes through levels and collects coins. There should be enemies on each level and the character should have only 3 lives. After losing the last one, he dies and the player has to start the level from scratch.


  • Main character
  • Distinct level design. They just need to look a bit different. Walls, grass, clouds.
  • Enemies should be different every 3 level. On the last level, a boss should appear.
  • Coins should be on every level, except the last one. On the last one, there should be cure potion activated when the character has less than 50% of the last live.

Latest version:
