Brackeys YouTube channel

Brackeys is back and his Godot course is AWESOME!

I am so excited to learn from a true master, who runs Brackeys YouTube channel and who is currently switching to Godot and posted an introduction to game development using that engine! The guys is a legend as far as I know and worked previously in Unity. But then years ago he left YouTube, no idea why. And suddenly several…
Handwriting vs Typing

Is handwriting better than typing?

I have seen many claims that handwriting is better, and maybe it is going to be our new trend when everyone calls for "returning to essentials, which made us intelligent in the first place". There are articles reflecting scientific research related to the topic. However, even they underline that it is not as straightforward as you might think, so you should not…
desert and a tree

Climate change and Fossil fuels

I have read enough about measures undertaken to cope with climate change. Glaciers are melting in Greenland, and retreating at worrying speeds. And humanity still talking about starting to abandon fossil fuels, which is sad and controversial at the same time. Why is it sad? It is not going to make any difference at this rate of transferring our industry (which is the main…

Is work-life balance even exists?

Doomed reality Image by pch.vector on Freepik Mainly, people concentrate on their immediate duties during the daytime and only a tiny percentage of them are mindful about sharing additional time for their own needs. It is devastating to see how individuals drown in their jobs and work-related tasks. I have observed so many of them during my recent and previous…
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WordPress is… hard

Unless you have some knowledge of HTML&CSS! This is because, at the beginning when you need to fix some irritating things on your own website, you find out that all those long hours of learning web development finally came in handy! I can't express my level of satisfaction and, well... the width of my evil smile. I know how to…