Digital Detox – Day 4

Thursday 01.08.24

August is here! And I feel much better than yesterday, as I slept longer. Yesterday I was reading about cursive in the U.S. and thought that I should keep an eye on how I write letter, I mean closely observe the process to increase awareness not just rely on luck of how I would write the next character. My cursive is not stable as my thoughts are unstable, I want to write down so many things that I am in a hurry – just not to forget this or that! So, I need to focus.

I’m developing very healthy habits like writing every morning this notes in foreign language, which is hard keep doing in my native one! For me of course. Also, I read every day. Sometimes in the morning at home, sometimes on my way to work or home. But this is a good development.
Okay, it’s time to prepare my lunch.


I am not sure that I write all English letters right. I need to check it!

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