Digital Detox

Monday 29.07.24

My first day of Detox. Digital one. Yesterday, I got asleep with my phone laying away for the first time in a while. In my opinion, this is what I needed, as recently I found out that I was using my phone from 5 to 6 hours a day. That’s too much! It should be stopped. By me of course.

Oh by the way, yesterday I was thinking about a phrase, a word to be precise. I have to look up for it on the Internet. Ok, I found it, it’s “compromise” or “trade-off”. I was thinking about this word a lot before falling asleep. Also, don’t know from where I remembered that I wanted to read a book by a German sociologist Max Weber named “The Protestant Ethic and The Spirit of Capitalism”. So, I put it here to remind myself to read it after I finish “Rebel with a Clause” by Ellen Jovin I am reading now. By the way, I use Amazon Kindle, because it’s hard for me to buy paper books in English in my country, so I can justify the usage of an electric device. Cheers!

It’s 6:59 in the morning and I have to go to work.

Rebel with a Clause by Ellen Jovin

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